Detailed Explanation of Pricing About SEO AI

The following questions are from some users.

Hi, I want to ask about seoai pricelist. For the 1 URL, the price listed is $9.99/url, is this price valid for monthly or yearly price? Please help me with the information because I am interested in subscribing, thank you.

Hello, the current price is an early bird rate. Once paid, it is valid permanently.

Hi, I want to ask about the service in the 1 URL package, the listed price is $9.99/url and the description is "Pay once, own it forever", is it true that by paying once I can use the SEOAI ​​tools forever without having to pay monthly? Then it says the service can generate 60 articles/month. Does this mean I can generate articles every month with a maximum limit of 60 articles per month, and does this apply only a few times or only 1 year or forever?

Hello, the current price is an early bird rate. Once paid, it is valid permanently, including subsequent article generation. The price may be adjusted in the future.

Hi team Could you please elaborate about the pricing 9.99USD pay once own it forever beside you mention 60 article / month so $9.99 for a once or it monthly subscription?

Currently, it is in an early bird pricing phase where a one-time payment grants access to all features. There are limitations on the quantity within a specified timeframe, and there are no monthly or yearly subscription prices. This tool is currently positioned as an assistance program, hence the low cost. We encourage everyone to help spread the word. Thank you.

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